Miniml's zero-waste supply chain empowers you to reduce plastic waste both within your household and throughout our supply chain. Our refilling system not only benefits the environment but also enables us to uphold competitive pricing by reusing existing packaging, rather than creating new materials. In our commitment to making refilling accessible and cost-effective for all, Miniml not only provides a range of refills, but also offers a complimentary returns system. This service allows you to send your empty containers back to our headquarters for cleaning and subsequent reuse. Continue reading to find out how our Closed Loop System works.
Refilling at your local stockist.

Refilling your empty bottles with our stockists is a top choice if you'd like to save on packaging costs and emissions caused by transportation. Head to our Stockist Finder to find your local refill station. Shopping at your local refill shop is a great option for those who don't have space to store large refills at home, but still want to do their part for the planet. When visiting a stockist, you only pay for as much or as little product as you need! Some refill shops offer a scale to weigh your bottle, and once you fill up the product, the weight of your container gets taken off to calculate the total price.
Sending back 1L Refill Pouches

Going zero-waste has never been so easy. If you don’t have a stockist nearby and not much space to stock large refills at home, 1L pouches are a great option to keep your home eco-friendly.
- Once you order a refill pouch, add a free return envelope to your order. The envelope doesn’t need a separate label as we have partnered with Royal Mail team to offer a convenient Freepost service. Our Miniml Logo on the envelope works as the postage label.
- Once you collect at least 4 empty pouches, follow the envelope instructions to insert them together: no need to rinse your pouches, just make sure to squeeze out excess air.
- There is no maximum amount of pouches you can send back to us, as long as the envelope fits through the letterbox!
- Drop your envelope into your local postbox.
Browse our 1L refill pouches here.
Posting 5L Empties

Although our jerrycans are made from recycled plastic, we only aim to recycle them at the end of the lifecycle - once they’re damaged beyond repair. As we strongly advocate for refilling over recycling due to the rising issue of single use plastic waste in the UK, our Closed Loop System makes it possible to keep your household plastic-waste-free!
- Choose your products from a selection of our 5L bulk refills.
- Collect at least 4 jerrycans to be returned to our warehouse.
- Scan the QR code at the back of the jerrycan label to access our returns portal. Alternatively, you can access the returns portal via our website Closed Loop System page.
- Enter your order number if you purchased the refills on our website. If you paid for our 5L refill via other retailers, just type in the retailer name instead of your order number.
- Print your free returns label.
- Put your empties in a box and stick the pre-paid label.
- Drop it off at your local post office!
If you don't have a printer available, arrange to collect your empties with the Royal Mail Services. Simply prepare the jerrycans in a box, choose a collection date and request the label to be delivered to you. Start your returns process here.
Miniml’s Closed Loop System is always on the lookout for technological and logistical improvements, therefore these instructions are subject to change - as we aim to make refilling accessible and affordable for all. Join our Refill Revolution and make a switch for a greener future today! Head to Miniml's returns portal now.
I had the same ‘issue’, and finally managed to collect 4 (stored them on top of kitchen cabinets for months). You can try and take them to your local refill shops if they let you (contact them first).
I don’t want to have to keep the 5L containers until I have 4 empty to return. Is there any other way of returning them e.g. dropping them somewhere?